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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Like Whitney Houston, I Believe The Children Are Our Future...But!

Teach them well and let them lead the way.....to where?
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street? Where is that?
Have we failed as parents?
Does society create a distorted view of life?
What ever happened to self respect...self control...self worth?

As I breeze through my timeline, all I see are foolish challenges that have nothing to do with self improvement...more like self destruction! When did intentionally setting yourself on fire, twerking, having pressure applied to your chest until you pass out, dressing and posing like your "vagina" is the only option for the future and showing your underwear because you are too lazy to wear a belt or better yet, just wear clothes that fit!

Are we not teaching our children right from wrong because we didn't learn? Did we fail to pay attention to the teachings of our elders? Were all of "granny's" words in vane?

I look at my daughter, and at 11 weeks old, I weep for her! Not because of any physical pain, but because of the pain that this generation is inflicting on generations to come. I often wonder what things will be like when she grows to school age.... from what I see, the children are our future.....and our future looks might dim! If they knew better, they'd do better.....truth or not?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

When becoming better, you will be tested!

I've always made it my mission to become a better person everyday, but May 10, 2014 was a definite game changer for me....it was the day I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Lauryn Ailehs!

I've always known that with change comes great responsibility and tests! This morning was a reality check for me. As I was driving my daughter to school (daycare)this morning, we were "almost" run off the service road by a lady who was a complete idiot and/or an extremely impatient individual. Now, let me be real...the old me, the firecracker I use to be, probably would have given her a piece of my mind and then some...but it's not about me anymore! Instead of reacting first, and thinking later, my motherly instinct kicked in. I automatically thought about that little life that was in my back seat.

Don't get it twisted, the Momma Bear in me came out front and center! But I was able to think and act rationally. Once I got to the school's parking lot, I immediately looked into my backseat and saw that my sleeping beauty was ok and had no idea about what had just occurred. Once I turned back around tears started to fall from my eyes. I was mad, nervous, pissed and so many other emotions that there aren't even words for.

One of my daughter's teachers arrives and she gets out of her car singing an old church hymn and she taps on my window and I open the door for her and she says, "Good morning," in her cheerful voice. With tear filled eyes and a cracking voice, I responded to the greeting. I told her what occurred and her response was, "God blocked it...think about the what if!" And instantly, I felt better! Those words alone reminded me that, as the Lyfe Jennings' song says, "It could have been worse!"

I know that my life is not my own, that it is He who protects me...and for that reason I can still smile!