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Thursday, March 22, 2012

A New Beginning....

What a difference a day makes, or in my case, what a difference a few years makes. I'm finally at a point in my life where I'm "definitely" ready to do what needs to be done and get my business on the right track.

I've been around wedding and event planning my "whole" life! My godd-mother, Ms. Joyce Stoker, was one of the most generous, talented and beautiful women to ever grace my life. She taught me so much about life and business, and those lessons I will never forget. Even though she is no longer here on earth, I have been seeking her guidance lately.

God has given me release and the "green light" (if I must say) to do what needs to be done....so all I can say is....here goes everything!!!!! This is only the beginning....world, here I come!

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