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Monday, May 18, 2015

Pulling my way through!

I am currently in one of the toughest, and happiest, seasons of my life. How can it be both you ask? Well I'll tell you, it can definitely happen. 

This is one of the happiest seasons of my life because I just celebrated my daughter's first birthday. I am so blessed and honored to be her "muh-muh!" She is the blessing that I wasn't supposed to receive, but God said, "I trust you!" Her smile and laughter gets me through those moments when I feel like the world is crashing down on me. 

I feel like God is allowing me to go through this rough patch, at such a wonderful time, so that I can appreciate the sweet moments even more. He is showing me that I can pull myself through. 

I have to be honest, I was having a little private pity party on yesterday, lol. I felt like no one understands....no one knows....no one is here for me....no one is concerned....blah, blah, blah! And out of the blue, I get a text message from my god-sister and it helped me pull myself through. She basically said that this journey is a time for Lauryn and I. Which helped me understand that maybe no one will ever understand...maybe no one will ever know...maybe no one will ever be here for me during this time....maybe no one is concerned! This is my time to find my inner strength. This is my time to find my inner peace. This is my time to self reflect. This is my time to self evaluate. This is my time! So if I never hear a "you can make it," "I'm here for you," "are you okay?" I'm going to be just fine, because I have me! And sometimes "me" is all you need!

I'm pulling my way through! And at this moment, that is enough for me!

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