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Friday, May 25, 2012

Another Event and A Business Meeting!

Good morning W3 World!

Today is a great day and so was yesterday...and the day before that. Shoot, everyday is a good day, even if things aren't going so great! I received an offer to provide services for a wedding in September and I had a meeting on yesterday with a vendor (networking pays off!) and everything we discussed sounded so genuine and promising...and the meeting was at my absolute favorite cupcake bakery, Sprinkles! If everything goes well, I will be on site at their location gaining more experience and networking even more...and W3 will most definitely be on the move!

I must say, Yahweh is truly blessing me. I couldn't ask for anything more. Even though things aren't moving as rapidly as I want them to, I know they are moving at His pace so, I'm forever grateful.

Well, let me get to creating samples to present to the future bride and groom. Have a W3 Day!

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