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Monday, January 12, 2015

I'm A Work In Progress!

I try my best to be a better person with every awakening day! I'm not perfect, but trust me, I try my best to be better than I was the day before. I currently struggle, and have always struggled, with letting go of past hurts and disappointments. I tell myself all of the time that I have let go of certain things. But have I truly? I can honestly say that I harbor no ill feelings towards anyone. But if I am truly honest with myself, I will say that there are people that I definitely avoid because of hurt. To guard myself, I stay away from certain people, and places, to keep from experiencing those feelings again.  

At times I feel like I suppress my true feelings too often, just to keep the peace. And that usually only ends up with my peace in shambles, and not the other person. They are able to go on with their day and I am left steaming! I am currently working on being able to say what needs to be said in the moment, but in a very tactful and restrained way. I never want to hurt any one's feelings or break someone down, but I need to learn to let things go, truly let them go. 

I am a work in progress, and so are my words!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Motherhood Moves Me!

"I love the fragrance of your voice, you're the color of loyal. My favorite sound is your smile. I'm intoxicated with joyful. Oh, I am moved by you!" ~India.Arie

Being the mommy to such a beautiful little girl is such a blessing. Motherhood can be both rewarding and challenging at any given moment. You have to be willing to roll with the punches. You must stay on your toes, things can happen in the blink of an eye. 

From the moment that I gave birth to my daughter, she's moved me. I moved from providing for only myself to being her sole provider. She has moved me from good to great. From happy to joyful. From impatient to patient. Everyday she moves me further into love, peace, consistency, laughter, gratefulness, warmth, strength, tenacity, compassion and so many other things that I could name. 

But above all things, she moves me further into motherhood. And for that, I am grateful to God!