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Friday, May 25, 2012

Another Event and A Business Meeting!

Good morning W3 World!

Today is a great day and so was yesterday...and the day before that. Shoot, everyday is a good day, even if things aren't going so great! I received an offer to provide services for a wedding in September and I had a meeting on yesterday with a vendor (networking pays off!) and everything we discussed sounded so genuine and promising...and the meeting was at my absolute favorite cupcake bakery, Sprinkles! If everything goes well, I will be on site at their location gaining more experience and networking even more...and W3 will most definitely be on the move!

I must say, Yahweh is truly blessing me. I couldn't ask for anything more. Even though things aren't moving as rapidly as I want them to, I know they are moving at His pace so, I'm forever grateful.

Well, let me get to creating samples to present to the future bride and groom. Have a W3 Day!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Creativity Overload!

Hello W3 World! I pray all has been well with each of you. Ok, let me jump right in...I've been planning like crazy. I'm still trying to create a very unique and unforgettable design for the invitations and menu cards for the July Brunch that my company is currently planning, I think I may have a winner!

Now...on to the actual menu. I have so many ideas and I can definitely see the layout in my head, I just need to narrow it down, way down :-) The current menu that I've created is not a typical brunch menu, it is definitely a W3 exclusive! But i believe I have too many items. I love to plan and I also love to cook, which sometimes gets me into trouble. I did the supply list for the current menu and I was like, "Wow Tiffany, you need to adjust this menu immediately!" So I did, and it looks great.

 I'm so excited to have this opportunity and I can not wait until July. But until then, I'll just be planning away! So let me get back to it and I will blog with you all later! Have a W3 Day!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Upcoming Event: Intimate Birthday Brunch (July 2012)

Good morning W3 World!

I'm gearing up for a birthday brunch event that my company will be catering & coordinating in the month of July. It is going to be a very small and intimate event, and I am having the hardest time creating the samples for the invitations and menu cards. 

The client is extremely easy going but I want to go way above and beyond their expectations, maybe that's my dilemma...I'm thinking about it too hard. I have created a few samples, but they didn't turn out like I'd hoped.   

I've already gotten approval for the decor and the menu, but the invitation and the menu card are giving me a challenge this time, and those are usually the easiest things for me to do. I know that my "creative juices" will begin to flow eventually, but I need them to start now!

Ok, let me get back to it....more to come soon! Have a W3 Day!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Being the new person is tough...even as an adult!

Hello W3 World....long time no see (or type in my case)!

It's been a while since I've blogged....work, classes, life, etc., I promise I will do better.

When I first decided to change my business name, take all the steps to making sure that the legal things were all taken care of, revamp all my documents, business cards, company shirts and all of the other 1 million things that I've done so far. I was ready to march forward, full speed ahead....then I got the "new girl on the block" feeling (you know the "newbie" jitters).

I've been in the wedding industry, in some form, all of my life practically. Whether I was singing, decorating, consulting, coordinating or bridal attending, I was there and I've enjoyed every bit of it.

Now that I'm on my own, and I do mean on my own, "step out on faith" means more to me now than it ever has. I don't have a business partner, nor do I have an extensive portfolio anymore (that's a very long story). But nonetheless, I'm still standing....nervous and all. People know me for my vocals, but very few people know me for my event planning capabilities and poetic writings (yes, I stay woke). And let's just be honest, most people are afraid to give a new person a shot and take a chance on a new company being a part of one of the most important days of their life (wedding, anniversaries, birthday/milestones, etc.). I'm in the process of trying to get bids on events so that I can at least get my name to the surface, create business/vendor relationships and do the thing that TRULY make me happy.....being a blessing to others.

I know Yahweh will make a way, and I trust Him with my whole heart....I just know that if I got a shot to display my talents, I could take this world by storm (and I do mean WORLD)!!!!! Time is of the essence and patience is "definitely" a virtue. So until next time, "Have a W3 Day!"

Friday, April 6, 2012

Trying to get fully connected!

Good morning world!

I'm up early this morning trying to get and stay connected with the event planning world. Event/Wedding Planning has been in my blood since I was a little girl. My god-mother had her own business for years, then I worked for a wedding consulting company for over 4 years, NOW I'm doing it on my own. I knew it was going to be a lot of work, and that I am no stranger to...I get my work ethic from my father, Mr. Lawrence Edward Wilhite, Sr.

I've been trying to get my official logo created for about a week or so but I haven't been too successful in that regard. Looks like I am going to create it myself....who knows, it may be fun! And maybe another service I could add to my resume....

Until next time, have a W3 Day!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

2 Businesses, One Goal...to make your load lighter!

Things in life won't always be a walk in the park! But sometimes, there are people placed in our lives that help make things a little bit lighter. 2 Businesses, One Goal...to make your load lighter!

Wilhite's Works & Writings and ABCD Art specialize in special event & wedding coordinating/planning, handcrafted designs & sweet treats for any event and much, much more.

So if you are planning a wedding, bridal/baby shower, birthday party, or any other event that you just don't have time to plan yourself, contact us and one of our associates will be more than happy to assist you!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A New Beginning....

What a difference a day makes, or in my case, what a difference a few years makes. I'm finally at a point in my life where I'm "definitely" ready to do what needs to be done and get my business on the right track.

I've been around wedding and event planning my "whole" life! My godd-mother, Ms. Joyce Stoker, was one of the most generous, talented and beautiful women to ever grace my life. She taught me so much about life and business, and those lessons I will never forget. Even though she is no longer here on earth, I have been seeking her guidance lately.

God has given me release and the "green light" (if I must say) to do what needs to be done....so all I can say is....here goes everything!!!!! This is only the beginning....world, here I come!